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Ingredients available: Please add a note at checkout with your selection. Each mix can contain a maximum of 6 choices:-

Agrimony- Uncrossing, Spell Breaking.

Alfalfa- Protection of The Home and Those Within It.

Allspice Berries- Prosperity.

Barberry Bark- Protection.

Basil- Mental Boost.

Bay Leaf- Jinx Avoidance.

Benzoin- Purification, Prosperity.

Black Mallow- Desire.

Bladderwrack- Sea Spells, Travelling.

Blessed Thistle- Purification, Protection of Home, Lift Depression and Negativity.

Chamomile- Peace, Release Pain.

Chickweed- Fidelity, Love Magick.

Comfrey Leaf- Comfort, Protect Money.

Copal Resin- Ward off Negative Energy.

Damiana- Love and Sex.

Devils Claw Root- Exorcism, Purification.

Dragons Blood Resin- Power Amplifier, Potency.

Fern- Health, Fae Magic,Rain Making, Hidden Treasure.

Fennel Seed- Confidence, Courage, Strength.

Frankincense Resin- Spirituality.

Fumitory- Drawing Money.

Garlic- Banishing.

Ginseng- Attracting Love, Male Vigour.

Gorse Flowers- Protection from Evil, Hope, Restores Faith.

Heather- Protect Against Violence.

Hibiscus Flowers- Love.

Hops- Sleep Aid, Healing.

Juniper Berries- Anti Theft, Health.

Lady’s Mantle- Fertility, Love, Protection.

Lavender- Love, Harmony, Calm, Sleep Aid.
Red Sandalwood- Luck, Protection, Success, Healing.

Lemon Balm- Anxiety, Memory, Lift Depression.

Liquorice Root- Change Someone’s Mind.

Mallow flower- Love and Protection.

Meadowsweet- Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness.

Motherwort- Boosts Optimism, Astral Projection, Immortality.

Myrrh- Increases the Power of any Incense, Banishing, Purifying.

Olive Leaf- Healing, Peace, Luck.

Passion Flower- Attract Friends, Libido, Sleep.

Peony Petals- Exorcism, Hex Removal, Protection, Healing.

Poppy Seeds- Fertility.

Raspberry Leaf- Aiding Sleep.

Red Sandalwood- Luck, Protection, Success, Healing.

Rose Buds- Love, Creativity.

Rosehip- Love Rituals.

Rosemary- Cleansing.

Rue- Banish Negativity.

Sage- Banish Negativity.

Savoury- Virtility, Attraction, Mental Powers.

Senna Pods- Faithful Lover.

Sloe Berries- Exorcism, Protection.

Spearmint- Luck, Lust, Psychic Development.

Valerian Root- Sleep.

Violet- Prophetic Dreams and Visions, Ward off Nightmares.

Witches Black Salt- Absorb Negativity, Protection.

Witches Blue Salt- Tranquility,Justice.

White Willow Bark- Healing, Divination, Necromancy. 

Custom Incense/Spell Small Bag



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